Coffee tins

Coffee, tea & cocoa products that will keep the aroma inside!

  • Cocoa Nagy Sh Copy
  • Cocoa Sh Copy 2
  • Roodmerk Sh Copy

Why choose tin packaging for coffee?

  • perfect aroma protection in 360°
  • mono-material recyclable packaging
  • keeps the product completely dry
  • direct decoration
  • durability
  • hygienically clean product protection
  • can be reused and refilled
  • Kávés Csoport Sh

We manufacture tinplate packaging for renowned coffee, tea and cocoa products. Some examples are coffee tins (from 250 grams to 5 kilogram), cocoa powder tin with sealing foil or airtight cans for the vacuum preservation of coffee and tea. We create a design you will love, and a quality you can trust.

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